Corken LPG Compressors


Corken LPG Compressors Corken’s vertical, oil-free gas compressors provide a full range of capacities from 24 to 361 gpm (5.5 to 82 m3/hr) in liquid transfer

Corken LPG Compressors

Corken LPG Compressors Corken’s vertical, oil-free gas compressors provide a full range of capacities from 24 to 361 gpm (5.5 to 82 m3/hr) in liquid transfer. Corken also offers a double-acting vertical gas compressor capable of capacities from 337 to 757 gpm (76.5 to 171.9 m3/hr). These compressors provide a great deal of versatility. A compressor can be designed for railcar-unloading but with a minimal amount of additional piping, it can also be ultilized to load and unload trucks and recover gas from cylinders, tanks and lines.

Standard compressor mountings designed for liquefied gas transfer, vapor recovery, and gas booster applications are available. If one of these do not meet the requirements of the application, Corken can supply a custom engineered package. The ASME B31.3 – 2012 piping option is available upon request.

Each product group below is designed for a specific level of leakage containment.